Do you have flexible appointment times for estimates?

Yes, we can arrange a convenient time - daytime or evening, to suit your schedule.

Are estimates free?


Will I receive a written estimate with cost breakdown?

Yes. We provide a formal written estimate, usually as a PDF file and sent by email. A hard-copy estimate can be provided on request. This will provide cost per room and any specific details relating to repair work or special finishing required.

Are you insured?

Yes. We have full public and employers liability insurance. For larger commercial work, we can adjust the insurance threshold to suit for a limited or extended contract period.

Are you CIS registered?

Yes. We hold full CIS registration, both as contractors and sub-contractors.

Will you remove my carpets?

No. We do not have a SEPA licence for commercial waste removal. We are happy to put you in touch with companies who offer this service, or you can contact City of Edinburgh council waste department and they will arrange for an uplift for a small fee.

Will you move my furniture?

All rooms must be clear of furniture before the commencement of work. However if necessary, we are happy to lend a hand moving the odd heavy item.

What about pictures, curtains etc?

Our equipment is dust efficient, therefore it is not essential that items on the walls or windows are removed, unless you prefer to do so.

Do we need to move out while work is underway?

No. We will discuss with you the best way of approaching the project to fit with your lifestlye or work, and ensure there will be minimum distruption possible.

How many times can a floor be sanded?

Most timber floors can be sanded 2-3 times.

Do you provide colour samples?

Yes. We carry samples and can help you choose a colour or finish.

Can my floor be coloured white?

Yes. However, it is not something we recommend unless the floors are pristine or new, as any imperfections are highlighted with the light colouring and through experience this can lead to dissappointment.

How many coats of varnish/lacquer do you apply?

Typically we prefer to apply three coats of varnish/lacquer. This provides the optimum finish and durability for most domestic situations. However if we are working on a commercial project it may be necessary to apply extra coats depending on the specification.

Can you colour match replacement boards to an existing floor?

It is very difficult and sometimes impossible to get a credible match, as historically the timber used in Edinburgh’s floors has been imported from all over the world. It seems no two streets have the same timber used. Where possible we use reclaimed boards to achieve as best a match as we can. If there are numerous previous repairs and damage, then colouring or dying can be an acceptable solution to achieving a consistent finish.

Do you supply and fit new flooring?

Yes we can supply and fit all types of wooden flooring, including solid hardwood, reclaimed and engineered boards. We can offer very competitive prices on all ranges of wooden flooring.


If you have a specific query not answered here, please contact usand we will answer you directly.


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We can provide a free consultation to discuss your repairs, finish and colour requirements and follow up with a written estimate. Contact us to make an appointment.

Unit 5A
Holyrood Business Park
146 Duddingston Road West
Edinburgh, EH16 4AP

M. 07973 484 330

We are fully insured and CIS registered.

We are a member of the Federation of Small Businesses.


We use only market leading equipment and materials.

Junkers Bosch Thermotechnik and Bona X